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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1811

Incorrect user and group count on JCMA migration plan


    • 5
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      • Incorrect user and group count on JCMA migration plan is misleading. 


      Steps to reproduce : 

      1. Set up JCMA migration .
      2. In Step Migrate Users and Groups , select Migrate users and groups related to the selected projects.
      3. Observe the count of users and groups under Users and Group Details .



      Expected results : The count of users and groups displayed under "Users and Group Details" is the exact count of users and groups which will migrate.Here it should be count of Users referenced in project fields or user-generated content and Users or groups referenced in workflows or permission schemes of selected projects.

      Actual Results :The count of users and groups displayed under "Users and Group Details" is the total count of all the users and groups respectively in the system.

      Suggested Solution

      The actual migration happens with the correct count of users so the count provided in the Migration Plan can be ignored.


        1. screenshot-1.png
          97 kB
          Sripriya Gupta

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            b9285d00faf3 Sripriya Gupta
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