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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1670

JCMA Anonymous Check during Preflight takes longer than expected


    • 7
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 24

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on the Data Center: (Yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Restart Jira with JCMA installed
      2. Perform a migration with a large number of projects/issues.

      This issue occurs when JCMA is initialised during Jira startup. If available, JCMA will use the greenhopper rapid view service API to perform the anonymous access preflight check efficiently. However, this dependency may not be available if JCMA is initialised during Jira startup. If this API can't be found then JCMA falls back to a slower implementation to perform the preflight check despite the API potentially being available.

      Expected Results

      The anonymous access preflight check should complete in less than 30 minutes.

      Actual Results

      The anonymous access preflight check takes a very long time to complete. 

      To understand how long the the preflight check took to complete you can look at the logs for the following:

      2023-12-17 00:46:32,710+0800 pool-58-thread-393 INFO user@example.com 46x230237x2 bxb7wh, /rest/migration/latest/check/abc123 [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight check for AnonPermission has started. 

      The log `Pre-flight check for AnonPermission has started` will be printed when the check starts.

      2023-12-17 13:06:18,968 pool-58-thread-393 INFO user@example.com 46x230237x2 bxb7wh, /rest/migration/latest/check/abc123 [jira.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight check for AnonPermission has finished with status true. 

      `Pre-flight check for AnonPermission has finished` will be logged when the check has finished.

      In this case, the check started 2023-12-17 00:46:32,710+0800 and finished 2023-12-17 13:06:18,968. This means it took > 12 hours.


      Contact Atlassian support by raising a ticket to the Migration Team.

            697208d3bd83 Kirti Gupta
            267882b95fa2 Naren Gupta
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