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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1654

Cross-project filters are getting migrated even if "None" is selected for Cross-Project boards and filter migration

    • 15
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 36

      Issue Summary

      Cross-project filters are getting migrated even if "None" is selected for Cross-Project boards and filter migration. Logs have entries suggesting JCMA is trying to migrate cross-project filters.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Create cross-project JQL filters or change existing filters to make it cross-project
      • Initiate a migration
      • Select projects (Make sure the projects specified in the above JQL filter are selected)
      • Select None for cross-project data
      • Check the filters in the destination and you can see cross-project filters are migrated.

      Expected Results

      Cross-project filters will not be migrated

      Actual Results

      Cross-project filters are getting migrated

      2023-12-05 11:48:33,577 pool-86-thread-2 INFO      [export.software.board.RapidViewExportService] Exporting single-project board="SCRUM board", saved filter="Filter for SCRUM board" references projects [10000] when we expect [10000].
      2023-12-05 11:48:33,580 pool-86-thread-1 INFO      [filter.service.jql.FilterJqlService] Filter[10001 -  Filter for KANBAN board] is referring to projects [10000, 10001] with JQL[project = KANBAN OR  project=SCRUM ORDER BY Rank ASC]
      2023-12-06 02:56:11,285 pool-81-thread-1 INFO      [filter.service.jql.FilterJqlService] Filter[10001 -  Filter for KANBAN board] is referring to projects [10000, 10001] with JQL[project = KANBAN OR  project=SCRUM ORDER BY Rank ASC]
      2023-12-06 02:56:11,286 pool-81-thread-1 INFO      [export.core.project.ProjectExporter] Exporting issues in sequential mode
      2023-12-06 02:56:11,440 pool-81-thread-1 INFO      [core.filter.service.FilterExportService] Exporting shared filters for migration 14062812-5485-44d2-8ca7-6a76a8851ca7 under exportMode COLLECT_USER_AND_GROUP_REFS


      No workaround available

            [MIG-1654] Cross-project filters are getting migrated even if "None" is selected for Cross-Project boards and filter migration

            There are no comments yet on this issue.

              6c61e5514587 Nitin Suri
              pthaikkalloor Prasanth
              Affected customers:
              7 This affects my team
              7 Start watching this issue
