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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1568

Show UI Warning when a 3rd party app is ignored/skipped during the Migration

    • 21
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Currently, if an app server listener can't be found for a 3rd party app, the JCMA tool skips that app from that migration plan without notifying the user through UI.

      This led to confusion post-migration, and the customer reached out to Atlassian Support for clarification. Also, the customer has to re-run the Migration, which can cause unexpected delays in their migration schedule window.

      Current Behaviour

      The only indication is a warning message in the Jira application logs. Below is a snippet for the X-Ray app. But it can happen to any 3rd party app.

      WARN admin /rest/migration/latest/plan/dbcf7def-XXXX-4087-XXXX-bbbf524583c9/start [c.a.j.migration.execution.MigrationExecutionService] com.xpandit.plugins.xray has an automated path but is missing a server listener. This app will be ignored during app migration.

      Ideal Behaviour

      The Admin/User running the migration should be notified of such behaviour through JCMA UI, especially before executing a migration, so the customer can make informed decisions about the migration and plan it accordingly.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
            1. Migration Platform
            2. MIG-1568

            Show UI Warning when a 3rd party app is ignored/skipped during the Migration

              • 21
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                Currently, if an app server listener can't be found for a 3rd party app, the JCMA tool skips that app from that migration plan without notifying the user through UI.

                This led to confusion post-migration, and the customer reached out to Atlassian Support for clarification. Also, the customer has to re-run the Migration, which can cause unexpected delays in their migration schedule window.

                Current Behaviour

                The only indication is a warning message in the Jira application logs. Below is a snippet for the X-Ray app. But it can happen to any 3rd party app.

                WARN admin /rest/migration/latest/plan/dbcf7def-XXXX-4087-XXXX-bbbf524583c9/start [c.a.j.migration.execution.MigrationExecutionService] com.xpandit.plugins.xray has an automated path but is missing a server listener. This app will be ignored during app migration.

                Ideal Behaviour

                The Admin/User running the migration should be notified of such behaviour through JCMA UI, especially before executing a migration, so the customer can make informed decisions about the migration and plan it accordingly.

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        267882b95fa2 Naren Gupta
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        7 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            267882b95fa2 Naren Gupta
                            3 Vote for this issue
                            7 Start watching this issue
