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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1485

Importing a new Site in Confluence while using CCMA 3.4.11 will crash the instance


    • Major

      Issue Summary

      When utilizing Confluence’s native Backup and Restore feature, for doing an entire Site Import, our server instance does not start again after uploading the XML file. This issue is specific when CCMA version 3.4.11 is installed.

      For customers who have installed 3.4.11 and do not plan on using the Site Import Server -> Server feature it will not disrupt your planned migration.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install 3.4.11 jar in the confluence instance
      2. Go to “Backup and Restore” in General Settings and then go to  Restore a site
      3. Provide the site backup zip and run the restore

      Expected Results

      • Confluence Launches with the new site

      Actual Results

      • Confluence fails to start


        Update to CCMA 3.4.12

      In Case Site Import has been initiated (and crashed)

      1. Roll back to a state prior to the import
      2. Run above SQL command to remove the foreign key constraint
      3. Re run Site Import

            a3f474913183 Adam Miritis
            ae882eb07a42 Rafael Cardoso
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
