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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1342

CCMA contains database identifiers that are longer than 30 characters which generates ORA-00972 errors with Oracle 12c Release 1.


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 1

      Issue Summary

      CCMA contains two database column identifiers that are longer than 30 characters:

      mig_config spaceexportconcurrencyclustermaximum 36
      mig_config spaceexportconcurrencynodemaximum 33

      Oracle 12c Release 1 does not support identifiers that are longer than 30 characters. Attempting to install and enable CCMA on a DataCenter instance of Confluence  using Confluence 7.3.x and this version of Oracle results in an on-screen error that says:

      This app failed to enable. Refer to the logs for more information.

      The log files contain errors like this:

      ORA-00972: identifier is too long


      Per this doc, Oracle 12c Release 1 is deprecated for Confluence 7.3, with support ending in a later release.

      This document details that Confluence 7.11 introduces identifiers that are longer than 30 characters and removes support for Oracle 12c R1, which has a 30-byte character limit.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Confluence DataCenter instance using Confluence 7.3.5 and Oracle 12c Release 1.
      2. Install CCMA.

      Expected Results

      CCMA will be successfully installed.

      Actual Results

      This error message appears on screen:

      This app failed to enable. Refer to the logs for more information.

      Errors like this example are logged in atlassian-confluence.log:

      2023-03-02 21:09:47,253 WARN [Caesium-1-4] [impl.schedule.caesium.JobRunnerWrapper] runJob Scheduled job migration-plugin:node-status-checker#migration-plugin:node-status-checker-job-id completed unsuccessfully with response JobRunnerResponse[runOutcome=FAILED,message='InitializationException: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Failed to update database schema
      PersistenceException: Failed to update database schema
      [Failed SQL: (972) CREATE TABLE ARC_CONF.MIG_CONFIG (id INTEGER NOT NULL, spaceExportConcurrencyClusterMaximum INTEGER, spaceExportConcurrencyNodeMaximum INTEGER, lastUpdate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_MIG_CONFIG PRIMARY KEY (id))]
      Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00972: identifier is too long


      Upgrade the database engine to Oracle 12c Release 2.

              a3f474913183 Adam Miritis
              bd3cfc093dfe Sam Lesher
              1 Vote for this issue
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