Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1302

JCMA with scoped customers will fail if a customer in an organization does not have content within the project


    • 4
    • Minor
    • 44

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install JCMA 1.7.7
      2. Create a JSM project
      3. Create an organization and add a customer account
      4. Create an issue as another user (not the customer account)
      5. Confirm that no content references the customer account created
      6. Migrate the project with JCMA by selecting
        1. Only users and groups related to the selected projects
        2. Only customers related to the selected projects

      Expected Results

      As the organization is migrated as part of the Project, all customers who are members of the organization should also be migrated

      Actual Results

      JCMA will fail with the following error:

      The below exception is thrown in the migration <ProjectKey>.log file:

      2023-02-07 18:31:08.380115 ERROR ABC project-import We couldn't import Customer Organization Users 10001 because of 2 missing dependencies: User 'JIRAUSER12345', User 'JIRAUSER54321'. Check the reasons for the missing dependencies on your server site.


      Selecting the option to migrate All Jira Service Management customers can be used to successfully migrate the project. The user can leave the option Only users and groups related to the selected projects enabled.

            9abe9c3b55ac Arun Ganesh
            asalinasii@atlassian.com Alfonso S.
            2 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
