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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1138

Duplicated Workflows in the backup file causes import to fail


    • 51
    • Minor
    • 1


      When importing to the Cloud, the import fails on the validation stage with this error:

      Import error
      There was an error importing file jira-export (4).zip: Validation failed. Following issues were reported:
      Cannot complete the import because one of the import files contains the following duplicate workflows: 'workflow 1'. Search the Atlassian Administrator Knowledge Base for instructions on how to fix this, or contact Atlassian Support for help.

      This happens when there are Workflows with the same name in the Backup file. By right, workflows may not have the same name; Jira will not allow this through the UI. However, if the Workflow names has the same name but with different letter case, for example:

      • "workflow 1"
      • "WORKFLOW 1"

      Jira will allow this to happen. However, generating a backup, and restoring this to a Cloud instance will fail on the validation stage.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create two Workflows, they may remain Inactive.
      2. Rename the first workflow as "workflow 1".
      3. Rename the second workflow also as "workflow 1".
        • Notice that Jira does not allow the second workflow to has the same name
      4. Proceed to rename the second workflow to "Workflow 1". This should go through.
      5. Now, generate a backup, and use this to import to a Cloud instance.

      Expected Results

      The import should go through, as Jira seems to allow the same workflow name but with different casing.

      Actual Results

      The import fails on the validation stage:


      1. This can also be resolved by not allowing the same workflow name but with different casing.
      2. This affects both, Cloud to Cloud, and Server to Cloud.
      3. There might also be occurrences where the duplicated workflow has the same name with the same casing, however, it is currently unknown on how it gets to this state.


      select lower(workflowname), count(lower(workflowname)) from jiraworkflows group by lower(workflowname) having count(lower(workflowname)) > 1;


      Delete or Rename one of the duplicate workflow on the Source instance, generate a new backup, and use the new backup to import.

        1. screenshot-1.png
          52 kB
        2. screenshot-2.png
          98 kB

            c0733332e5b9 Hemant Bhoyar (Inactive)
            msatriya Sadiq (Inactive)
            12 Vote for this issue
            36 Start watching this issue
