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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1087

Detect and change the comment id's of Jira issue comment links


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • Fixing Broken Links
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Issue Summary

      After migrating from Jira Server/DC to Cloud, links in the format:
      will break as the comment id's are not mapped.

      If you have hardcoded links to comments, and you migrate over to the Cloud those links will be broken.


      • Jira Server/DC -> Jira Cloud migration
      • Jira Cloud -> Jira Cloud migration

      Affects products

      • Jira, where an issue description, comment or custom field contains a link to a direct Jira comment
      • Confluence, where body content contains a link to a direct Jira comment

      Steps to Reproduce

      Jira server

      1. Create a Jira issue
      2. Add a comment
      3. Copy the link using the link/chain icon when hovering over the comment, or hover over the time date stamp of the comment (newer versions of Jira). It will be in format:
      4. Paste this content into:
        1. Jira
          1. issue description
          2. issue comment
          3. issue text custom field
        2. Confluence
          1. page
          2. comment
          3. blog post
      5. (assuming link fixing has been attempted) Copy the link, it should be something like this for Cloud https://example.atlassian.net/browse/PROJ-123?focusedCommentId=33785421&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-33785421
      6. Click on link in Jira cloud -> Points back to Jira server

      Even if Atlassian support run scripts to fix links, comment id's are not mapped. Fixes will take user to the context of the issue, but not to the specific comment.

      Expected Results

      Links would be updated to the exact comment as intended by content author.

      Actual Results

      Without link fixing - users are taken back to Jira server (if still active)
      With link fixing - users are taken to the correct issue, but not to the specific comment.


      • Comment mapping is onerous as there may be millions upon millions of comments.
      • Unlike other mappings, mapping based purely on content is not viable, as an automated comment can produce the same text many times (including the same issue), and it will be necessary to map the right comment to the right project, issue, user AND timestamp amongst other signals.


      To determine the approximate size of the issue, the following SQL query (PostgreSQL) can be run:

      SELECT tmp.pkey, tmp.location, COUNT(1)
      FROM (
            p.pkey, regexp_matches(i.description, '[\s,]([A-Z][A-Z]+-\d+)[\s,\.]', 'g')
            , 'description' AS location
        FROM jiraissue i
            JOIN project p ON p.id = i.project
        GROUP BY p.pkey, regexp_matches(i.description, '[\s,]([A-Z][A-Z]+-\d+)[\s,\.]', 'g')
        UNION ALL
            p.pkey, regexp_matches(a.actionbody, '[\s,]([A-Z][A-Z]+-\d+)[\s,\.]', 'g')
            , 'comment' AS location
        FROM jiraaction a
            JOIN jiraissue i ON i.id = a.issueid
                JOIN project p ON p.id = i.project
        GROUP BY p.pkey, regexp_matches(a.actionbody, '[\s,]([A-Z][A-Z]+-\d+)[\s,\.]', 'g')
      ) AS tmp
      GROUP BY tmp.pkey, tmp.location
      ORDER BY count DESC; 


      We don't have a fix for these links yet.

            06eb947e2f93 Łukasz Halicki
            887e911e3c81 Jimmy Van
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            5 Start watching this issue
