Hi Michael,
agreed that this is not rocket science and that 'the user needs to get out of his/her way to disable ranking", it's not something that's suggested or supported by default.
At the same time I got there by referring to a Confluence article (don't know where but it must have been under "Atlassian on Demand" documentation - something similar to this), presence of which has the negative effect of busting the users' confidence in believing the 'not ranked' mode is actually supported.
In my case, I have good reason to disable ranking for my board: we don't want to bother reordering the issues continuously in neither the backlog nor active and inactive sprints. Sorting by issue priority and severity would do the job for us and so i went ahead and modified the filter query as I learned from said article (again, sorry for not being able to link the actual exact article).
From my point of view, the problem is that disabling ranking kind of leads users into a pitfall. I don't know what you are architecturally able to do with JIRA Agile but if it were possible, a minimal impact help that could be provided to future unlucky user falling in the same dungeon would be a big, fat, red error message warning the user that "Ranking has been disabled. Several features will be disabled as a consequence. Use at your own risk.". Much, much better would be disallowing the user from saving the filter when ranking is disabled.
From my point of view, you either have a feature and support it or you don't. There is no in-between.
Ultimately, I think the ability to auto-sort the issues in a board is very important, whether or not it is feasible with the current architecture. It is a significant time saver as most usage patterns deal with a long list of backlog items of which only a handful matter/is important in the short term. Many small or small-ish organizations don't have or don't want or can't afford for whatever reason a dedicated person scrubbing through the issue list and re-prioritizing (read it as 'ranking') the issues regularly.
I don't need any action to be taken or additional time consuming follow up for you and your team, just wanted to give my opinion and thoughts (as requested by Jason Worley on JST-80999) .
Hi Michael,
While we do understand that the architecture as it is does limit the options available, it would be a tremendous improvement for us to be able to at the very least, add issues to sprints while ordered by another value than ranking. Given the current reworking of sprints and epics with the latest versions of JA, wouldn't this be far more feasible?
A a great improvement from that point would be to allow issue sorting in the backlog, not unlike in the issue navigator.
We'd like to know if it's possible to at least reopen this and keep it on the table.