Resolution: Fixed
- Similar to existing Sprint Report
- Include key, summary and current estimate
Testing Notes
Q: What if issues are removed and readded to an epic?
A: the report represents current state only
Q: What happens to the table if there are negative estimates?
A: same thing as sprint report
Q: What if the epic is visible on the board, does not contain any issues on that board, but contains issues from another project? What will be displayed in the table?
A: no issues - report is dependent on the board query
Q: What if the estimation config is removed/modified from issues on the board?
A: report represents current estimation config as per sprint report
- details
JSWSERVER-7116 JQL custom field names must not be hardcoded
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7101 Some "done" issues are not showing up as "Completed" in the Epic report
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7102 Handling of "Issue Count" estimation statistic needs improvement
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7185 Epic status report table shows issues which are in unmapped statuses
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7009 Update preview text for Available Reports page
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7103 Style inconsistencies between Epic Report and Sprint Report
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7104 Opinion - epic query parameter should use issue key instead of issue ID
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7105 Lack of valid epic query parameter in browser address bar should force Report to insert a query parameter
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7106 Opinion - "View in Issue Navigator" links could be generated differently
- Closed
JSWSERVER-7113 Hacking the url does not work - it falls back to the previous selected epic key
- Closed
- is blocked by
JSWSERVER-6615 Be able to query Epic assignment history of all issues ever assigned with an Epic
- Closed
- is related to
JSWSERVER-6952 document Epic Report
- Closed
- mentioned in
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