Resolution: Unresolved
Low (View bug fix roadmap)
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Jira 10.3.2 Synchronization process of Repositories on Gitlab DVCS accounts, shows failed due to the next error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.atlassian.jira.plugins.dvcs.gitlab.api.model.GitLabUser.getUsername()" because "user" is null ...
The impact of this, is that mark the synchronization of repositories as Failed.
In the previous version 9.12, this was a message saying "User could not be found".
Steps to Reproduce
- On Jira:
- Spin an instance.
- Create a dummy sample environment, such as Scrum
- Check one ticket key for reference "SCRUM-9"
- On Gitlab:
- Create a user as reporter "User A"
- Make this "User A" owner of a group and a project.
- Make a commit with "User A", referring to this ticket "SCRUM-9"
- Create a user as reported "User B"
- Make a commit with "User B", referring to this ticket "SCRUM-9"
- With "User A", make all the approvals and merge requests.
- Proceed to link Jira and Gitlab, for reference How to integrate Gitlab with Jira
- Add the application Jira in Gitlab
- Create the Application link in Jira
- Create the DVCS account.
Key point... when creating this, do it in Incognito mode, so gitlab requests for authorization.
- On the authorization use the "User B" credentials.
- On Jira
- Once the DVCS account is there, do a FULL SYNC.
Expected Results
the sync should be able to be done, with the limitation of fetching what the user that authorize is allowed to see.
Actual Results
The sync is marked as Failed
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
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