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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25644

Accessibility Assessment - Roadmaps: Missing form label or "title" attribute




      Issue Summary

      On the "Accessibility Assessment - Roadmaps" page, Input fields below the columns such as "Target Start" and Target End are missing labels.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open the "Accessibility Assessment - Roadmaps" page.
      2. Navigate to the table present in the main content area of the page.
      3. Navigate to the mentioned input fields below the columns.
      4. Verify that the label is not defined for the input fields.


      Actual Results

      The "Choose a date" input fields below the Target start date and Target end columns in the main content area do not have the label associated with them and the "title" attribute is not included in their source code either.
      As a result, screen reader users will not understand the purpose of the form fields.

      Expected Results

      Apply the following changes:

      • Provide unique and descriptive label for mentioned form field using <label> element.
      • Associate the label explicitly with the form field by providing identical value which is unique from other IDs to "for" and "id" attributes of the label and form field respectively.

      Alternatively, use either hidden labels or "aria-label" attribute to convey the purpose of the form fields to screen reader users as well as maintain the presentation. 
      code snippet

      <label for="cdate"> choose a date </label>
      <input id="cdate" class="" autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" id="react-select-162-input" spellcheck="false" tabindex="0" theme="[object Object]" type="text" aria-autocomplete="list" value="" style="background: 0px center; border: 0px; font-size: inherit; opacity: 1; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; color: inherit; box-sizing: content-box; width: 100%;">


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behaviour. A workaround will be added here when available


      MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018)
      macOs Ventura 13.3.1
      Chrome - Version 109.0.5414.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)
      Firefox- Version 92.0 (64-bit)
      Safari- Version 16.4 (18615.
      JAWS- Version 2022
      NVDA- Version 2021.2
      Voiceover - Version Latest





            Unassigned Unassigned
            437d33237d7b Astut Pathak (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

