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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-24981

Bulk Move causes Parent Link to break


      Issue Summary

      Doing a Bulk Move of issues to a new project will maintain the Parent Link field mapping in the Portfolio Plan but the field will be returned blank when viewed in the issue navigator

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create Two Projects with matching configurations and boards (can use create with shared configurations to simplify)
      2. Create a plan connected to Board 1
        • add some Initiatives, Epics, and stories to the first project with epics mapped to the Initiatives and stories to the Epics make
      3. Run a JQL to see the issue in project 1
      4. Add parent link column in issue navigator to verify value is present
      5. Bulk move all issues in project 1 to project 2
      6. Change board 1s filter to include issues from project 2
      7. Compare Issue navigators results to plan

      Expected Results

      All data is mapped correctly and parent Link is present in both location

      Actual Results

      The Plan maintains the mappings and shows a value correctly for the parent link field with the new issues in the new project, but the parent link field is blank in the issue navigator and the value cannot be recovered

      The Plan also show the Uncommitted changes Icon on the commit button but viewing the "Review and commit changes" page is blank


      Tested this on Portfolio version 3.9.0, with Both the New Interface and Live plan view

      When moving a single issue the parent link is correctly visible in both locations this only occurs when bulk moving the full Initiative / Epic / Story hierarchy chain


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            Unassigned Unassigned
            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
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