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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-20617

Epic Burndown report does not display the chart depending on how the Epic Link was created.

      Issue Summary

      Epic Burndown report does not display the chart depending on how the Epic Link was created.

      Steps to Reproduce

      The Epic Burndown report does not display the chart when using sequence 1 and 2 below to create the Epic Link:

      Sequence 1:

      • New Scrum Project Area
      • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM7-1
      • Create button, new issue Story 1, Assigned to "user1", Epic link to "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM7-1)"
      • Create button, new issue Story 2, Assigned to "user1", Epic link to "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM7-1)"
      • Open Epic Burndown report: It shows:
        This chart cannot be displayed
        There are no estimated issues in this epic.
        Estimate issues in the Backlog
      • Click the button "Estimate issues in the Backlog"
      • Click each story and assign an Estimative at the quick edit: Story 1, Estimate 5 pts; Story 2, Estimate 3pts;
      • Open Epic Burndown report: same results.

      Sequence 2

      • New Scrum Project Area
      • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM8-1
      • Open backlog, Epic panel and expand the Epic information
      • Use the link "Create an issue in Epic" to create a new issue
      • Create Story 1, Assigned to "user1"
      • Create Story 2, Assigned to "user1"
      • Open Epic Burndown report: It shows
        This chart cannot be displayed
        There are no estimated issues in this epic.
        Estimate issues in the Backlog
      • Click the "Estimate issues in the Backlog"
      • Click each story and assign an Estimative, like Story 1, Estimate 5 pts
      • Open Epic Burndown report: same results.

      Sequence 3

      • New Scrum Project Area
      • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM9-1
      • Create Story 1
      • Create Story 2
      • Edit Story 1 created, search for the field "Epic Link"
      • At the Epic link field - type "SCRUM9..." - It will show the "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM9-1)" at the suggestions - Select it and confirm
      • Edit Story 2 created, search for the field "Epic Link"
      • At the Epic link field - type "SCRUM9..." - It will show the "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM9-1)" at the suggestions - Select it and confirm
      • Open the backlog
      • Click each story and assign an Estimative, like Story 1, Estimate 5 pts; Story 2, Estimate 3pts;
      • Open Epic Burndown report: it will show correctly the graph, as expected.

      Expected Results

      The graph is presented for all three sequences of steps.

      Actual Results

      The graph is not presented for sequence 1 and 2:

      This chart cannot be displayed
      There are no estimated issues in this epic.
      Estimate issues in the Backlog

      The team can not keep track of the work that was done or to be done at the Epic.


      Currently, there is no known workaround to fix the already incorrect Epic/Issues.

      The overall recommendation is to create the issue first, and then, edit the issue adding the Epic Link.

      Note: Issue was not reproduced using Jira 7.13.8

          Form Name

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
            1. Jira Software Data Center
            2. JSWSERVER-20617

            Epic Burndown report does not display the chart depending on how the Epic Link was created.

                Issue Summary

                Epic Burndown report does not display the chart depending on how the Epic Link was created.

                Steps to Reproduce

                The Epic Burndown report does not display the chart when using sequence 1 and 2 below to create the Epic Link:

                Sequence 1:

                • New Scrum Project Area
                • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM7-1
                • Create button, new issue Story 1, Assigned to "user1", Epic link to "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM7-1)"
                • Create button, new issue Story 2, Assigned to "user1", Epic link to "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM7-1)"
                • Open Epic Burndown report: It shows:
                  This chart cannot be displayed
                  There are no estimated issues in this epic.
                  Estimate issues in the Backlog
                • Click the button "Estimate issues in the Backlog"
                • Click each story and assign an Estimative at the quick edit: Story 1, Estimate 5 pts; Story 2, Estimate 3pts;
                • Open Epic Burndown report: same results.

                Sequence 2

                • New Scrum Project Area
                • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM8-1
                • Open backlog, Epic panel and expand the Epic information
                • Use the link "Create an issue in Epic" to create a new issue
                • Create Story 1, Assigned to "user1"
                • Create Story 2, Assigned to "user1"
                • Open Epic Burndown report: It shows
                  This chart cannot be displayed
                  There are no estimated issues in this epic.
                  Estimate issues in the Backlog
                • Click the "Estimate issues in the Backlog"
                • Click each story and assign an Estimative, like Story 1, Estimate 5 pts
                • Open Epic Burndown report: same results.

                Sequence 3

                • New Scrum Project Area
                • Create button, new issue Epic; Epic Name 1, unassigned, SCRUM9-1
                • Create Story 1
                • Create Story 2
                • Edit Story 1 created, search for the field "Epic Link"
                • At the Epic link field - type "SCRUM9..." - It will show the "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM9-1)" at the suggestions - Select it and confirm
                • Edit Story 2 created, search for the field "Epic Link"
                • At the Epic link field - type "SCRUM9..." - It will show the "Epic Name 1 - (SCRUM9-1)" at the suggestions - Select it and confirm
                • Open the backlog
                • Click each story and assign an Estimative, like Story 1, Estimate 5 pts; Story 2, Estimate 3pts;
                • Open Epic Burndown report: it will show correctly the graph, as expected.

                Expected Results

                The graph is presented for all three sequences of steps.

                Actual Results

                The graph is not presented for sequence 1 and 2:

                This chart cannot be displayed
                There are no estimated issues in this epic.
                Estimate issues in the Backlog

                The team can not keep track of the work that was done or to be done at the Epic.


                Currently, there is no known workaround to fix the already incorrect Epic/Issues.

                The overall recommendation is to create the issue first, and then, edit the issue adding the Epic Link.

                Note: Issue was not reproduced using Jira 7.13.8

                        szarazinski Sławomir Zaraziński
                        imurakami@atlassian.com Murakami
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        14 Start watching this issue


                              szarazinski Sławomir Zaraziński
                              imurakami@atlassian.com Murakami
                              Affected customers:
                              3 This affects my team
                              14 Start watching this issue
