Issue Summary

      When connecting Jira to Bitbucket Cloud through DVCS, there is a limitation regarding the number of branches that are retrieved per repository, which is set to 10. This can cause Jira to fail retrieving branches if more than 10 were updated before the sync, causing older branches to not be synchronized.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 11 branches on a repository Bitbucket Cloud
      2. Synchronize the repository on Jira

      Expected Results

      All 11 branches will be populated on Jira

      Actual Results

      Only 10 of them will be populated, while the older branch will not appear.


      When this happens, the branches that were not synchronized need to be updated on Bitbucket Cloud and then force a synchronization on Jira to ensure they are updated.

            [JSWSERVER-20340] DVCS plugin only fetches 10 branches for Bitbucket Cloud

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              wkritzinger Wolfgang Kritzinger
     Rodrigo Rosa
              Affected customers:
              1 This affects my team
              11 Start watching this issue
