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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-20119

Trying to print an agile board with lots of issues limits the output to one page only

      Issue Summary

      For Jira Software 8 versions, when looking at a Scrum backlog, say with 60 or a lot more issues, trying to print the entire list of issues a browser like chrome or firefox will only show a single page of results.  The rest appear to be getting truncated off the page, with no 2nd page to print.


      Confirmed behavior in 8.1.0 and 8.2.2, but unable to replicated in 7.13.1

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a board with 60 or so issues in the backlog and across planned sprints
      2. on the backlog page, try to print this page in your browser

      Expected Results

      The output of the browser print pages/preview should allow the print job to scale to use multiple pages if need be to display the contents of the entire page.

      Actual Results

      Only one page is offered to be printed by the browser. If not all the issues on the board can be seen on the first page, the rest cannot be printed in that view


      Possibly a warranty bug to Jira 8 as this function works as expected in 7.13.1

      (Optional - If Necessary)


      There is not a work-around for this specific view yet. A work-around will be added if found.

      One possible alternative is to use the Board -> Print card option to get a list of all these issues that appear here, but this output is slightly different.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
            1. Jira Software Data Center
            2. JSWSERVER-20119

            Trying to print an agile board with lots of issues limits the output to one page only

                Issue Summary

                For Jira Software 8 versions, when looking at a Scrum backlog, say with 60 or a lot more issues, trying to print the entire list of issues a browser like chrome or firefox will only show a single page of results.  The rest appear to be getting truncated off the page, with no 2nd page to print.


                Confirmed behavior in 8.1.0 and 8.2.2, but unable to replicated in 7.13.1

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create a board with 60 or so issues in the backlog and across planned sprints
                2. on the backlog page, try to print this page in your browser

                Expected Results

                The output of the browser print pages/preview should allow the print job to scale to use multiple pages if need be to display the contents of the entire page.

                Actual Results

                Only one page is offered to be printed by the browser. If not all the issues on the board can be seen on the first page, the rest cannot be printed in that view


                Possibly a warranty bug to Jira 8 as this function works as expected in 7.13.1

                (Optional - If Necessary)


                There is not a work-around for this specific view yet. A work-around will be added if found.

                One possible alternative is to use the Board -> Print card option to get a list of all these issues that appear here, but this output is slightly different.

                        dborshchov Dmytro Borshchov
                        aheinzer Andy Heinzer
                        1 Vote for this issue
                        5 Start watching this issue


                              dborshchov Dmytro Borshchov
                              aheinzer Andy Heinzer
                              Affected customers:
                              1 This affects my team
                              5 Start watching this issue
