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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-19778

Remove unnecessary check permission for project in findRapidViewsByProject


    • 7.02
    • 10
    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 37
    • Hide
      Atlassian Update – 21 December 2018

      Dear Jira users,

      We’re glad to announce that this issue will be addressed in our upcoming 8.0 release.

      You can find more details about our 8.0 beta release here — https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/beta-for-jira-8-0-is-up-for-grabs/25588

      Looking forward to your feedback!

      Kind regards,
      Syed Masood
      Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center

      Atlassian Update – 21 December 2018 Dear Jira users, We’re glad to announce that this issue will be addressed in our upcoming 8.0 release. You can find more details about our 8.0 beta release here — https://community.developer.atlassian.com/t/beta-for-jira-8-0-is-up-for-grabs/25588 Looking forward to your feedback! Kind regards, Syed Masood Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center

      Problem Definition

      Currently findRapidViewsByProject scans all RapidViews to find Boards which are related to a specific project.
      As a part of that logic, it does permission checks for each project found as part of JQL scan. Later some of the projects removed and permission check is done again.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create 1k projects, 2k boards
      2. Make your current user lead for all of those projects.
      3. Change search query to project in projectsLeadByUser() ORDER BY Rank asc
        (Not real life case, but it makes problem obvious)
      4. Open any board

      Actual result: updateLastVisitedProject takes 17sec
      Expected result: updateLastVisitedProject finishes is reasonable time...

      Suggested Solution

      Skip permission check at the JQL scan stage and do permission check only after filtering.


      See JSWSERVER-16130 for more context

            izinoviev Ilya Zinoviev (Inactive)
            ayakovlev@atlassian.com Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
