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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-19751

Links in Kanplan acknowledge feature in dashboards are not working



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Low
    • None
    • 7.6.8, 7.11.2
    • AgileBoard
    • None


      Issue Summary

      When a Kanban backlog board is being used in a gadget on a dashboard, a Kanplan acknowledge section is being rendered on top of it with the following text:

      A bigger and better backlog has just landed
      We've created a dedicated space for you to plan in the new Kanban backlog. This board will now be a distraction-free zone for your team to focus on work-in-progress.

      That acknowledgment has links like "Take me there", "Close", etc, and none of them are working when viewed on the dashboard. The same links work fine when the acknowledgement is viewed in the board view.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Kanban project
      2. Create a Kanban board
      3. Enable Kanban feature by dragging unmapped status to the leftmost column in "Columns" configuration of the board
      4. Use this board in a dashboard gadget

      Expected Results

      Users are able to dismiss the alert when rendered on a dashboard.

      Actual Results

      Clicking on any links in the alert do nothing. Nothing is logged in the Javascript console either.


      It is possible to disable the banner altogether by modifying $JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/application-installation/jira-software-installation/jira-greenhopper-plugin-xxxx.jar/atlassian-plugin.xml and commenting out all sections referencing KanplanAcknowledge resources:

      <!--<resource type="download" name="KanPlanAcknowledge.js" location="includes/js/rapid/ui/kanplan/KanPlanAcknowledge.js"/>-->
      <!--<resource type="download" name="KanPlanAcknowledge.soy.js" location="includes/js/rapid/ui/kanplan/KanPlanAcknowledge.soy"/>-->

      Save the modified file in a JAR file, and restart Jira for change to take effect.


        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              apatyuchenko Andrey Patyuchenko
              26 Vote for this issue
              19 Start watching this issue

