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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-16255

Issues are not cleared from the Done column in a Kanban board after releasing the version due to belonging to archived versions


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 7.4.4
    • AgileBoard


      Kanban boards will show Done issues if their Fix Version field includes an archived version.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new Kanban project with project key KAN
      2. Create a story, KAN-1.
      3. Create a version called test-version.
      4. Edit KAN-1 and set its Fix Version field to test-version.
      5. Archive the version test-version.
      6. Move the story to the Done column in the board.
      7. Click Release and fill the field Version name with the value 1.0.

      Expected Results

      The issue KAN-1 is no longer shown in the board.

      Actual Results

      Issue KAN-1 will be displayed on the board under the Done column.


      1. Review the issues still being displayed in the Done column and take note of their values of Fix Version.
      2. Navigate to the board's Releases page and filter by Archived.
      3. For every archived version retrieved from step 1, do the following:
        1. Unarchive the version.
        2. Releast the version.
        3. Archive the version back.

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