Resolution: Timed out
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
2016-04-18 Cloud
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.87 Safari/537.36
Severity 2 - Major
Recently a feature to display mentioned issues status and summary has been added to JIRA, that's cool.
But this feature has a bug. The displayed status is wrong, does not match the actual status of the issue.
- Actual: DONE (green fill), Displayed: COMPLETE (green outline)
- Actual: READY FOR RELEASE (yellow fill), Displayed: IN PROGRESS (yellow outline)
- etc.
See the attached screenshot as a proof.
Please contact me if you need any details. Sorry if this issue has already been reported, I could not find it.
having the similiar (maybe?)
after changing the workflow (renames a status) - few people see the old status name. Meaning, they see the old statusname on the issue where I see the new status name. Even with cache cleared and even with different browser.