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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-13191

Unable to customize card color when using custom field on JQL


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a custom field and add it into an agile ticket (e.g.: Single line text: Text field = lol)
      2. Create an agile board (no matter which one)
      3. Go to: Board > Configure > Card Color
      4. Select option Query > Select a color and type:
        "Text field" = lol
        P.s.: You can also try "Text field" = "lol"

      Expected Results:
      On the board, the cards that have this custom field would be with the color that you have previously chosen.

      Actual Results:
      Nothing happens with the card. No colors changed.


      Add-on Version:
      JIRA Agile v7.1.17-D20160127T234517

      JIRA Agile v1000.386.0

      This does not happen if you choose any JIRA default field, like: assignee, issue type, component, etc. This seems to be only happening to custom fields.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ediel Elisa [Atlassian]
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            7 Start watching this issue
