Resolution: Duplicate
We utilize the Atlassian-hosted instance of JIRA.
We use the Flagged field to indicated impediments to tickets. Our projects have custom contexts for the Flagged field to select the reason for the flag such as: Waiting on customer, Defect rework, Dependent on another US, etc.)
Once the item is unblocked and the Flagged field is unchecked, there is no way for us to run historical reports of:
1. Total number of Flagged incidents
2. Type of Flagged incidents (based on the drop down option selected when flagged)
3. #days item was in Flagged state
Being able to report on these things for a given time period in history would be very valuable to our teams to identify and remediate the most frequent causes of blockage in our flow.
Thank you for your consideration.
- duplicates
JSWSERVER-9450 As a user I would like to search for historically flagged issues using JQL
- Gathering Interest