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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-11989

Issues from an earlier deleted sprint are not available in next sprint after it's started


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create a Sprint "A"
      2. Drag issues into the new Sprint "A"
      3. Create another Sprint "B"
      4. Delete the first Sprint "A", such that the issues fall back into Sprint "B"
      5. Drag issues into sprint "B"
      6. Try to start Sprint B. Sprint "B" is started ONLY with the issues dragged in with step 5. The issues which were displayed as being fallen back into Sprint "B" are not part of the sprint anymore.

      Refer to attachments for more details.

      This only happens when issue is automatically added to a new sprint when the first sprint is deleted. The workaround would be to explicitly drag the issue to the desired sprint

      • Manually drag all issues from Sprint 1 to Sprint 2 before deleting Sprint 1
        • Sprint 1 should be empty when it is being deleted

        1. 1. Backlog.png
          240 kB
          Ruchi Tandon
        2. 2. Create two sprints.png
          216 kB
          Ruchi Tandon
        3. 3. Delete sprint with issues.png
          179 kB
          Ruchi Tandon
        4. 4. Issues moved to next sprint.png
          155 kB
          Ruchi Tandon
        5. 5. Add more issues.png
          113 kB
          Ruchi Tandon
        6. 6. Old issues not added.png
          92 kB
          Ruchi Tandon

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rtandon@atlassian.com Ruchi Tandon
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
