We have several projects in Jira (> 10), with different configurations. Each project has its own dedicated team with its own settings (incluiding permission).
Usually only some people inside the team have Edit permissions (including Epics).
Issues in epic are created sometimes by the owner of the Epic, but sometimes also by other people, and ususally in different projects that epic belogns to.
But there is no way, how user (reporter) of the issue can add its issue to Epic that belongs to other team, even if both users want to link the issues (create Epic link).
User John is owner of epic in project A (John has edit permission in A project)
User Will is owner of story in project B (Will has edit permission in B project)
We don't want John to have a generic edit permission in B project and vice versa.
Usual situation is, that Will finds out that his issue is relevant to John's epic, John agrees with adding the story to epic, but Jira doesn't provide any possibility how to create the epic link.
Creating of Epic links should be based on Link issue permission rather than Edit permission.
Our Jira is set up so that only the original reporter or admins can edit issues (we had issues w/in our teams and locked down permissions). I opened an epic so that people could link their issues to that epic. The reporters of the issues could see the epic, choose it, click Update and then Jira gave them "issue updated" message. However, they could not see the epic they originally chose. It took me a while to find other people with this same issue.
If you all have decided that you will not change the permissions needed to link Epics, can you at least fix it so that Jira doesn't allow people to see the epics and then get told their issues were updated to link the Epic if Jira won't allow it?