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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-9564

As a Support Engineer, I would like for 'Epic Name' field duplicated records to be automatically deleted.


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      The Problem:
      Several customer show duplicated records on their database and though they might not be harmfull, they might cause future problems.

      jira=> select * from fieldconfiguration where configname like '%Epic Name';
        id   |             configname              |               description               |      fieldid      | customfield 
       10901 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11000 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11002 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11004 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11006 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |                   
      on and on (292 rows)
       11328 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11329 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
      (292 rows)

      Problem is related and was discovered when 'Epic Name' was found linked to 3 issuetypes: (this probably solved on startup tasks of: GHS-6152)

      jira=> select * from fieldconfigschemeissuetype where fieldconfigscheme in (select id from fieldconfiguration where fieldid = 'customfield_10801');
        id   | issuetype | fieldconfigscheme | fieldconfiguration 
       11849 |           |             11002 |              11330
       11314 |           |             11000 |              11081
       11846 | 3         |             10901 |              10901 (wrong)
       11847 | 7         |             10901 |              10901 (wrong)
       11848 | 5         |             10901 |              10901 
      (5 rows)

      We think this might be solved in a similar way.

      There are other fields duplicated as well:

      jira=> select configname, count(*) as count from fieldconfiguration group by configname having count(*) > 1 order by count desc;
                       configname                  | count 
       Default Configuration for Epic Name         |   292
       Default Configuration for Epic Status       |    38
       Default Configuration for External issue ID |     3
       Default Configuration for Issue Type        |     2
       Default Configuration for Rank              |     2

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mfernandezbadii Mauro Badii (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
