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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-8845

Ability to define permission to create status via Simplified Workflow


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      As a rapid board owner, I can create new columns in my work board to model my development process, which is great.

      The consequence of this is that an additional status is added to the list of statuses, which I can understand.

      When some owner is experimenting with his board configuration, you end up with a long list of statusses such as 'test', 'under test', 'in validation', 'sdfjqsfdmjkl' ...
      Note - only users who have 'project admin' permission can create new statuses, but this was a permission only granted to 'jira administrators' in the past. In our configurations, project admins are not jira admins.

      So - request - there must be a way to limit the list of users who should be able to create statuses or columns, or at least notify the user that a new global entity (status) will be created which will affect the complete instance ...

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            da0b846da3a7 francis
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