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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-7380

Setting Flagging field with loop transition sets days in column to incorrect value


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Software Cloud. Using JIRA Software Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      After setting the flagging field to a non-empty value, the "days in column" on the card is set to 15736. This occurs when using a global loop transition to set this field via a "flagging" screen (doesn't matter if the transition takes place in the kanban view or the issue list/detail page).

      Issue is self-resolved after changing the status of the card in question.

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Create a workflow
      • Add a couple of steps
      • Add a transition for one step with the same step as destination (loop transition) - doesn't need to do anything else for the purpose of reproducing the bug
      • Assign a project to use the workflow
      • Create a Kanban board for the workflow
      • Create some issues and then use the loop transition on them
      • Hover over the dots at the bottom of the issue in Work mode until the tooltip appears and it says 15000+ days (I didn't get quite the same value but it was definitely around that)

      (alternatively, use the simple workflow (sw) project in the GreenHopper sample data)

        1. Clipboard03.jpg
          7 kB

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              9dc4ab79ed4c mikeada
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