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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-6850

Moving issue from project in rapid board to another project results in inability to close or start sprint for non admin


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Software Cloud. Using JIRA Software Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      A project admin user moves an issue from Project A to Project B when still associated with Rapid Board A. The issue is added to the Project B rapid board.

      Later a user in either Project A or Project B attempt to close their respective sprints in Project A or Project B rapid board. They are each greeted with an error:

      To update this sprint you must have Project Administrator permissions for all of the following projects: Project A, Project B.

      It would be better if the move did not result in a requirement for an admin in both projects to close the sprint.

      Also reported here in Confluence Docs:

      This is really confusing to users because you can't remove the sprint from the moved issue unless that issue exists in some other board.

      UPDATE: This also affects the ability to start sprint.


      • Do a Bulk Edit on the moved issues to remove the value for the "Sprint" from those issues;
      • Add the "Sprint" field to the Edit screens associated with the issue types for that project you moved issues to and edit the issues and remove the value for the "Sprint" field;

            Unassigned Unassigned
            e8a02d4d348a Warren Warren
            57 Vote for this issue
            62 Start watching this issue
