In my opinion the priority of this issue is completely off. It should have at least the priority of major.
The reason is that we have unfortunately built our automatic status reporting mechanisms on top of the classic agile gadget by creating status wiki pages into our Confluence wiki, that show different metrics on the ongoing projects on release and epic-level. (we're mainly using burnup, flow and velocity graphs)
Now when the Agile Classic gadget ceases to exist there are only a few options for us:
- Stop updating Jira and Jira Agile (not good, since we'd be missing all the nice improvements with the tool and would get no support with issues)
- Stop using the agile gadget and report by other means. (No other automatic options available, manually reporting is not feasible as we have multiple projects and metrics that the management is used to follow.)
- Move to another backlog handling tool and or wiki. (quite a large work to move everything, but doable. Maybe reporting manually would still be the smaller pain though)
So to be frank, none of the above are very tempting, which means we REALLY need an alternative for the Agile Classic gadget!
JIRA team, guys, it's not serious. You've removed most useful gadgets from the product. I have no idea how can I work without an agile classical gadget. It seems like I have to concider non-JIRA options.