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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-6467

As a product owner, I'd like a burndown gadget for the new boards (similar to the existing Classic Burndown gadget)

    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      • this is to mimic the behaviour of the burndown chart of the board
      1. The sprint value can be chosen by the user. The default value is auto (the one that ends first)
      2. No configuration to change estimation statistic
      3. Needs to be wallboard compatible
      4. Call it "Sprint Burndown" gadget

      Development Notes

      Q: Will Wallboard Mode be compatible for all supported browsers (IE specifically)?
      A: Works but with some adjustments on IE8 (because of quirks mode)

      Q: What if a user does not have permission to see a project configured in the gadget? (either a single project or one out of multi-project board)
      A: Will get an error message saying that the board can not be find

      Q: What if the sprint has run over its end-date?
      A: Same as burndown chart

      Q: Does the y-axis adjust if there is scope addition? Do the tickmarks readjust?
      A: Yes, thanks to flot

      Q: What if there is no active sprint?
      A: Displays a message like "could not find an active sprint"

      Q: What if the active sprint has only issues that are in a project that the user does not have permission for?
      A: Will get an error message saying that the board can not be find

      Q: Can the user hover over data points in the chart?
      A: The user can't for now

          Form Name

            [JSWCLOUD-6467] As a product owner, I'd like a burndown gadget for the new boards (similar to the existing Classic Burndown gadget)

            The gadgets released do not equate to the classic agile ones. The classic ones allow you to display a burn down or burn up by version and you have to input the start and end dates for the version in the classic board. With the classic boards no longer being supported, we need to have a gadget that provides the same functionality - ability to display burndown/burnup by issue count, story points, business value by version or a select filter.
            The classic boards should not be deprecated without having a gadget that provides the same information as these are critical for all summary and executive level release planning/risk reports.

            Karie Kelly added a comment - The gadgets released do not equate to the classic agile ones. The classic ones allow you to display a burn down or burn up by version and you have to input the start and end dates for the version in the classic board. With the classic boards no longer being supported, we need to have a gadget that provides the same functionality - ability to display burndown/burnup by issue count, story points, business value by version or a select filter. The classic boards should not be deprecated without having a gadget that provides the same information as these are critical for all summary and executive level release planning/risk reports.

            Hi cesposito,
            The gadget was released in version 6.1.6, the release notes are available here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/GH/GreenHopper+6.1.6+Release+Notes#GreenHopper6.1.6ReleaseNotes-Newgadget%3ASprintBurndown

            The recommended upgrade is to update to the latest version of GreenHopper, there is no patch as such.

            Martin (Inactive) added a comment - Hi cesposito , The gadget was released in version 6.1.6, the release notes are available here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/GH/GreenHopper+6.1.6+Release+Notes#GreenHopper6.1.6ReleaseNotes-Newgadget%3ASprintBurndown The recommended upgrade is to update to the latest version of GreenHopper, there is no patch as such.

            cesposito added a comment -

            What version is this included with? If we're on an older version that has the Rapid Boards, is there a patch that we can add without having to go through an update?

            cesposito added a comment - What version is this included with? If we're on an older version that has the Rapid Boards, is there a patch that we can add without having to go through an update?

            Hi kevin13,
            This is achievable in the released product today. Your board must be configured under Estimation to use "Remaining Estimate and Time Spent". When this is done, the burndown chart will reflect these values.

            Michael Tokar added a comment - Hi kevin13 , This is achievable in the released product today. Your board must be configured under Estimation to use "Remaining Estimate and Time Spent". When this is done, the burndown chart will reflect these values.

            Hi, I assume this has not been Released yet? I am looking for a traditional 'Remaining Hours in Current Sprint' Burndown Chart. Will this work for us? I would really like this Burndown Chart to be visible on the Agile Board and not only on the Dashboard.
            Thank you

            Deleted Account (Inactive) added a comment - Hi, I assume this has not been Released yet? I am looking for a traditional 'Remaining Hours in Current Sprint' Burndown Chart. Will this work for us? I would really like this Burndown Chart to be visible on the Agile Board and not only on the Dashboard. Thank you Kevin

            Ediwn - we cannot use that because there is no equivalent yet for the classic agile gadget. The classic agile gadget provides a significant amount of statistics and charts for a product version and you can assign that version in JIRA. We use that gadget for ALL of our executive and board reporting for all of our products and their release risk and targets (we have about a dozen products always in development).

            I also cannot turn on the lab feature because it becomes available for everyone and it would cause too many questions amongst the numerous teams we have using greenhopper. I've evaluated it and it doesn't yet meet our requirements due to the lack of supporting gadgets and not worth the time to add yet another item in the process to maintain. I think it is heading in the right direction, but does not yet fulfill the needs of what users are utilizing the classic boards for.

            Karie Kelly added a comment - Ediwn - we cannot use that because there is no equivalent yet for the classic agile gadget. The classic agile gadget provides a significant amount of statistics and charts for a product version and you can assign that version in JIRA. We use that gadget for ALL of our executive and board reporting for all of our products and their release risk and targets (we have about a dozen products always in development). I also cannot turn on the lab feature because it becomes available for everyone and it would cause too many questions amongst the numerous teams we have using greenhopper. I've evaluated it and it doesn't yet meet our requirements due to the lack of supporting gadgets and not worth the time to add yet another item in the process to maintain. I think it is heading in the right direction, but does not yet fulfill the needs of what users are utilizing the classic boards for.

            I added a comment on the referenced item because, as it reads, the story doesn't seem to convey the same requirements or request mentioned here.

            Karie Kelly added a comment - I added a comment on the referenced item because, as it reads, the story doesn't seem to convey the same requirements or request mentioned here.

            estol, karie.kelly@phytel.com it looks like what we're specifically talking about is this Story: GHS-7741, which describes the marriage of the Release Planning feature with the Report mode. Pls vote for and watch that issue.

            John Garcia (Inactive) added a comment - estol , karie.kelly@phytel.com it looks like what we're specifically talking about is this Story: GHS-7741 , which describes the marriage of the Release Planning feature with the Report mode. Pls vote for and watch that issue.

            Edwin Stol added a comment -

            karie.kelly@phytel.com, have you considered using the 'Release Planning' labs feature?
            What you describe could be done with that, imho.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - karie.kelly@phytel.com , have you considered using the 'Release Planning' labs feature? What you describe could be done with that, imho.

            When do you expect to have a replacement for the agile gadget that is based on version? This is what is needed for exec reporting as exec don't care about the sprint details - sprint details are for teams...execs care when we are delivering the features to a customer which, in many cases, is a version that consists of multiple sprints and, if there is risk associated with the current targeted schedule. That's the reason we utilize the agile gadget for all exec reporting.

            Karie Kelly added a comment - Shaun, When do you expect to have a replacement for the agile gadget that is based on version? This is what is needed for exec reporting as exec don't care about the sprint details - sprint details are for teams...execs care when we are delivering the features to a customer which, in many cases, is a version that consists of multiple sprints and, if there is risk associated with the current targeted schedule. That's the reason we utilize the agile gadget for all exec reporting.

            Hi all,

            Many thanks for your feedback on this issue. This has now been implemented and is shipping with GreenHopper 6.1.6.


            Tom Kotecki
            Product Manager, GreenHopper

            Tom Kotecki (Inactive) added a comment - Hi all, Many thanks for your feedback on this issue. This has now been implemented and is shipping with GreenHopper 6.1.6. Regards Tom Kotecki Product Manager, GreenHopper

            While waiting for this we put together a webpage that we use on our monitors, fetching JIRA-data with a cronscript. It's not the ideal solution but at least we can visualize our sprints better on our public monitors. For what it's worth, here it is: https://github.com/mackeian/jira-burndown-wallboard.

            Marcus Erlandsson added a comment - While waiting for this we put together a webpage that we use on our monitors, fetching JIRA-data with a cronscript. It's not the ideal solution but at least we can visualize our sprints better on our public monitors. For what it's worth, here it is: https://github.com/mackeian/jira-burndown-wallboard .

            A couple more concerns raised.

            Michael Tokar added a comment - A couple more concerns raised.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - - edited

            djeds; i was hoping for a more 'generic' approach as well.
            I don't really care about another sprint burndown gadget; i'm looking for a burndown gadget that creates a burndown based on whatever JQL guery i throw at it. It seems like the Atlassian implementation is the same as the Rapid Board burndown chart.
            See my earlier (first!)post.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - - edited djeds ; i was hoping for a more 'generic' approach as well. I don't really care about another sprint burndown gadget; i'm looking for a burndown gadget that creates a burndown based on whatever JQL guery i throw at it. It seems like the Atlassian implementation is the same as the Rapid Board burndown chart. [edit] See my earlier (first!) post .

            Based on the description, I'm not certain if this gadget is going to allow users to display this chart for a "release" (a series of Sprints). I was hoping this gadget is going to provide a velocity burn down chart - where I can see that a given release has X amount of story points assigned to it, and have the ability to see how the team is progressing towards completing that story point total.

            Can someone clarify this? How would you identify a "release" when planning via a scrum rapid board?


            Chris Edwards added a comment - Based on the description, I'm not certain if this gadget is going to allow users to display this chart for a "release" (a series of Sprints). I was hoping this gadget is going to provide a velocity burn down chart - where I can see that a given release has X amount of story points assigned to it, and have the ability to see how the team is progressing towards completing that story point total. Can someone clarify this? How would you identify a "release" when planning via a scrum rapid board? Thanks!

            Very cool!

            Lars Corneliussen added a comment - Very cool!

            AFAIK, The API's support the methodes needed to create a custom gadget for this specific use.
            (we are trying to do something here, in the quiet hours).
            Would be a great Codegeist entry as well.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - AFAIK, The API's support the methodes needed to create a custom gadget for this specific use. (we are trying to do something here, in the quiet hours). Would be a great Codegeist entry as well.

            This feature request has been open for over six months for something that should have been provided with the initial release. If you are not going to implement this, at least provide the API's for someone in the community to implement a custom gadget. The lack of these gadgets is a major impediment to my team in switching to the new rapid boards.

            Alan Hazelton added a comment - This feature request has been open for over six months for something that should have been provided with the initial release. If you are not going to implement this, at least provide the API's for someone in the community to implement a custom gadget. The lack of these gadgets is a major impediment to my team in switching to the new rapid boards.

            Just to add to what's already been said.

            The new scrum and kanban boards are fantastic, but we still need to set up a burndown chart for the entire project to monitor and report overall project progress to the stakeholders.

            We've tried to combine the scrum board with the classic boards and gadgets to achieve this but have suffered some major headaches:

            1. We can't seem to create any burndowns based on story points outside of a sprint.
            2. The hour burndowns in the classic gadget appear to be based on remaining estimate. We are using the Time Tracking: None option in the scrum board so the remaining estimate never comes down when we complete an issue.

            I hope this issue get's bumped up the priority list as it's really a big piece of the puzzle that's missing in order to make Greenhopper truly successful in our business.


            Christian Milne added a comment - Just to add to what's already been said. The new scrum and kanban boards are fantastic, but we still need to set up a burndown chart for the entire project to monitor and report overall project progress to the stakeholders. We've tried to combine the scrum board with the classic boards and gadgets to achieve this but have suffered some major headaches: 1. We can't seem to create any burndowns based on story points outside of a sprint. 2. The hour burndowns in the classic gadget appear to be based on remaining estimate. We are using the Time Tracking: None option in the scrum board so the remaining estimate never comes down when we complete an issue. I hope this issue get's bumped up the priority list as it's really a big piece of the puzzle that's missing in order to make Greenhopper truly successful in our business. Cheers!

            Edwin Stol added a comment - - edited

            loki980 Looks good, and i applaud your effort.
            One comment; you might want to place the script src 'local'.
            i.e; add it to a jira issue as attachment, or confluence page if you render the webpage there.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - - edited loki980 Looks good, and i applaud your effort. One comment; you might want to place the script src 'local'. i.e; add it to a jira issue as attachment, or confluence page if you render the webpage there.

            Jeff Lamb added a comment -

            I've written a single standalone webpage that uses jquery and javascript to create a "wallboard" in lieu of GHS-5345 and GHS-6467 being completed. One major hiccup I had was jira was running on port 8080 and this was hosted on port 80 (same server). You get cross domain scripting violations in the JS error console. To resolve this, I used the jira docs for apache to proxy http://my.server/jira to point to http://my.server:8080.

            Go ahead and modify removeExcess() to your own liking to remove page elements that clutter your display. The existing ones should work for the burndown chart report, the work rapid board and the Cumulative Flow Diagram report. I tried to modify the the CSS to make it dark like existing wallboards, but canvas elements are always white, so guess we'll have to wait for the real fix.

            Have fun!

            <html lang="en">
            <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <style type="text/css">
            body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
            iframe { border: none; }
            <script type="text/javascript">
            var Dash = {
                nextIndex: 0,
                currentActiveIframeIndex: 0,
                iframes: ['displayArea1', 'displayArea2'],
                dashboards: [
                    {url: "http://path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4&view=reporting&chart=cumulativeFlowDiagram&swimlane=4&column=10&column=11&column=12&quickFilter=23&from=2013-01-08&to=2013-01-24", time: 10},
                    {url: "http://path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4", time: 10},
                    {url: "http://path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4&view=reporting&chart=burndownChart&sprint=2", time: 10}
                setup: function() {
                    // Preload next page, as it takes time to load the dynamic data
                    setTimeout(Dash.display, 2001);
                display: function()
                    var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1;
                    var dashboard = Dash.dashboards[Dash.nextIndex];
                    // swap iframe visibility
                    $('#'+Dash.iframes[Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex]).fadeOut(800, function (){
                    // swap current active iframe
                    Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex = preloadIframeIndex;
                    // Delay for the specified amount of time before swapping to a different dashbaord display
                    setTimeout(Dash.display, dashboard.time * 1000);
                    // Preload next page, as it takes time to load the dynamic data
                    setTimeout(Dash.preloadNextPage, 2000);
                preloadNextPage: function()
                    var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1;
                    var iframeToPreload = frames[Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]];
                    var dashboard = Dash.dashboards[Dash.nextIndex];
                    // Start page load on hidden iframe
                    $('#'+Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]).attr("src", dashboard.url)
                    // Cycle to next entry in dashboards array
                    Dash.nextIndex = (Dash.nextIndex + 1) % Dash.dashboards.length;
                    // Delay to allow the page to load, then strip out unnecessary menus, etc
                    setTimeout(Dash.removeExcess, 2000);        
                removeExcess: function()
                    var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1;
                    var iframeToPreload = frames[Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]];
                    // Remove any excess information from the page
                    $('#header', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('.ghx-feedback', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('.aui-dd-link', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('#announcement-banner', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('#ghx-operations', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('#ghx-chart-data', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
                    $('#ghx-chart-overview-group', iframeToPreload.document).hide();
            window.onload = Dash.setup;
            <iframe id="displayArea1" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
            <iframe id="displayArea2" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>

            Jeff Lamb added a comment - I've written a single standalone webpage that uses jquery and javascript to create a "wallboard" in lieu of GHS-5345 and GHS-6467 being completed. One major hiccup I had was jira was running on port 8080 and this was hosted on port 80 (same server). You get cross domain scripting violations in the JS error console. To resolve this, I used the jira docs for apache to proxy http://my.server/jira to point to http://my.server:8080 . Go ahead and modify removeExcess() to your own liking to remove page elements that clutter your display. The existing ones should work for the burndown chart report, the work rapid board and the Cumulative Flow Diagram report. I tried to modify the the CSS to make it dark like existing wallboards, but canvas elements are always white, so guess we'll have to wait for the real fix. Have fun! <html lang= "en" > <head> <script src= " //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js" type= "text/javascript" ></script> <title>Wallboard</title> <style type= "text/css" > body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } iframe { border: none; } </style> <script type= "text/javascript" > var Dash = { nextIndex: 0, currentActiveIframeIndex: 0, iframes: [ 'displayArea1' , 'displayArea2' ], dashboards: [ {url: "http: //path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4&view=reporting&chart=cumulativeFlowDiagram&swimlane=4&column=10&column=11&column=12&quickFilter=23&from=2013-01-08&to=2013-01-24" , time: 10}, {url: "http: //path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4" , time: 10}, {url: "http: //path.to.jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=4&view=reporting&chart=burndownChart&sprint=2" , time: 10} ], setup: function() { // Preload next page, as it takes time to load the dynamic data Dash.preloadNextPage(); setTimeout(Dash.display, 2001); }, display: function() { var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1; var dashboard = Dash.dashboards[Dash.nextIndex]; // swap iframe visibility $( '#' +Dash.iframes[Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex]).fadeOut(800, function (){ $( '#' +Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]).fadeIn(800); }); // swap current active iframe Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex = preloadIframeIndex; // Delay for the specified amount of time before swapping to a different dashbaord display setTimeout(Dash.display, dashboard.time * 1000); // Preload next page, as it takes time to load the dynamic data setTimeout(Dash.preloadNextPage, 2000); }, preloadNextPage: function() { var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1; var iframeToPreload = frames[Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]]; var dashboard = Dash.dashboards[Dash.nextIndex]; // Start page load on hidden iframe $( '#' +Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]).attr( "src" , dashboard.url) // Cycle to next entry in dashboards array Dash.nextIndex = (Dash.nextIndex + 1) % Dash.dashboards.length; // Delay to allow the page to load, then strip out unnecessary menus, etc setTimeout(Dash.removeExcess, 2000); }, removeExcess: function() { var preloadIframeIndex = Dash.currentActiveIframeIndex ? 0 : 1; var iframeToPreload = frames[Dash.iframes[preloadIframeIndex]]; // Remove any excess information from the page $( '#header' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '.ghx-feedback' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '.aui-dd-link' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '#announcement-banner' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '#ghx-operations' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '#ghx-chart-data' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); $( '#ghx-chart-overview-group' , iframeToPreload.document).hide(); } }; window.onload = Dash.setup; </script> </head> <body> <iframe id= "displayArea1" width= "100%" height= "100%" ></iframe> <iframe id= "displayArea2" width= "100%" height= "100%" ></iframe> </body> </html>

            Hi Everyone,

            Thanks so much for your votes and comments on this feature request, we wanted to provide an update on the status.

            We know there are features missing from the new Scrum and Kanban boards. We plan to deliver a gadget for the burndown within the next 12 months.

            Just like any Agile team we have ordered the backlog based upon what we believe provides the greatest value to our customers. There are now over 10,000 customers worldwide so we try to find the right balance between the varied needs of this large, and growing, group. It is not an easy task. Thankfully we have many passionate customers that are able to provide feedback to help drive our vision and order the backlog - thank you!

            Thanks for your patience, we hope that our open approach to feature requests and backlog ordering allows you to see where we are headed.

            Shaun Clowes
            GreenHopper Product Manager

            Shaun Clowes (Inactive) added a comment - Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for your votes and comments on this feature request, we wanted to provide an update on the status. We know there are features missing from the new Scrum and Kanban boards. We plan to deliver a gadget for the burndown within the next 12 months. Just like any Agile team we have ordered the backlog based upon what we believe provides the greatest value to our customers. There are now over 10,000 customers worldwide so we try to find the right balance between the varied needs of this large, and growing, group. It is not an easy task. Thankfully we have many passionate customers that are able to provide feedback to help drive our vision and order the backlog - thank you! Thanks for your patience, we hope that our open approach to feature requests and backlog ordering allows you to see where we are headed. Cheers, Shaun Clowes GreenHopper Product Manager

            Joe F. Lee added a comment - - edited

            It is vital for us to get the gadgets working for the new boards as well.

            Joe F. Lee added a comment - - edited It is vital for us to get the gadgets working for the new boards as well.

            In my opinion, when a change removes critical functionality without suitable replacement, it is a bug, not an enhancement request.

            George Carvill added a comment - In my opinion, when a change removes critical functionality without suitable replacement, it is a bug, not an enhancement request.

            Edwin Stol added a comment -

            Thanks for your reply sclowes.
            A date selection for the burndown on the creation of the gadget would be fine indeed; i wouldn't mind creating a new gadget for a different overview.

            Edwin Stol added a comment - Thanks for your reply sclowes . A date selection for the burndown on the creation of the gadget would be fine indeed; i wouldn't mind creating a new gadget for a different overview.


            I'm not sure what might be happening on your instance but you should not need to do anything in Classic mode to get a burndown in the new boards in Report mode (there is no gadget at present). You might want to raise a ticket with support at https://support.atlassian.com to try to work out what's going on if your Report mode is not working correct. Many users have never used the classic boards and they can do story point burndowns so there must be some other explanation.


            Shaun Clowes (Inactive) added a comment - pjaalex , I'm not sure what might be happening on your instance but you should not need to do anything in Classic mode to get a burndown in the new boards in Report mode (there is no gadget at present). You might want to raise a ticket with support at https://support.atlassian.com to try to work out what's going on if your Report mode is not working correct. Many users have never used the classic boards and they can do story point burndowns so there must be some other explanation. Thanks, Shaun

            It's implausible that the Boards shipped without a gadget for the burn down chart, much less that the only way to get story point burn down chart on the new Boards is to first add Story Points as a statistic on the Classic Board side. But to Atlassian, the classic chart board has a bug that incorrectly yields burn down...I don't have enough evidence nor have I looked for an open ticket on it, but it's there, trust me.

            Paul Alexander added a comment - It's implausible that the Boards shipped without a gadget for the burn down chart, much less that the only way to get story point burn down chart on the new Boards is to first add Story Points as a statistic on the Classic Board side. But to Atlassian, the classic chart board has a bug that incorrectly yields burn down...I don't have enough evidence nor have I looked for an open ticket on it, but it's there, trust me.

            Hi peacock_david@emc.com, karenpcheng,

            It looks like this might be a showstopper for you, in which case I'd recommend continuing to use the Classic Boards (which do have a burndown gadget available) until we can deliver a gadget for the new boards.


            Shaun Clowes (Inactive) added a comment - Hi peacock_david@emc.com , karenpcheng , It looks like this might be a showstopper for you, in which case I'd recommend continuing to use the Classic Boards (which do have a burndown gadget available) until we can deliver a gadget for the new boards. Thanks, Shaun

            Hi estol,

            Where would you store the 'end date' for the burndown? Would you have to select it when you created the gadget?


            Shaun Clowes (Inactive) added a comment - Hi estol , Where would you store the 'end date' for the burndown? Would you have to select it when you created the gadget? Thanks, Shaun

            This is critical as we have multiple Scrum Teams and MUST have a way for stakeholders to have visibility into progress across teams.

            Karen Geiger added a comment - This is critical as we have multiple Scrum Teams and MUST have a way for stakeholders to have visibility into progress across teams.

            Absolutely essential. It's hard to believe rapid boards even shipped without a burn down gadget.

            David Peacock added a comment - Absolutely essential. It's hard to believe rapid boards even shipped without a burn down gadget.

            Edwin Stol added a comment -

            I'd really like a burndown gadget that is able to do a burndown based on a specific filter, without the need of a filled fixed version.
            For instance, we categorize our userstories across projects with the use of themes (where projects are the 'technical' projects, and themes are the portfolio milestones/projects). Our management level would love a burndown on a theme level, and i can't sell the fact that i am able to reproduce the number of resolved/unresolved issues from a specific theme, but can't show this in a burndown chart (or even better, in the Wallboard).

            We've even considered asking a third-party (like 42) to build this feature for us, or build something in-house.
            I've had a conversation with Nicholas about this a while ago, and he mentioned that other customers were asking about this as well.
            I hope the votes and watches will represent that as well

            Edwin Stol added a comment - I'd really like a burndown gadget that is able to do a burndown based on a specific filter, without the need of a filled fixed version. For instance, we categorize our userstories across projects with the use of themes (where projects are the 'technical' projects, and themes are the portfolio milestones/projects). Our management level would love a burndown on a theme level, and i can't sell the fact that i am able to reproduce the number of resolved/unresolved issues from a specific theme, but can't show this in a burndown chart (or even better, in the Wallboard). We've even considered asking a third-party (like 42) to build this feature for us, or build something in-house. I've had a conversation with Nicholas about this a while ago, and he mentioned that other customers were asking about this as well. I hope the votes and watches will represent that as well

              Unassigned Unassigned
              sclowes Shaun Clowes (Inactive)
              117 Vote for this issue
              80 Start watching this issue
