Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
Adding issues to the current active sprint in greenhopper is a hassle.
We need to find in plan mode and rank it to the top and only than drag it to the current active sprint - it can be very frustrating.
Regarding the location of the buttun within the issue page we would like to have one of the foloowing:
1. An action button just like we have Workflow actions within the issue page
2. It can sit down next to the link "View in rapid board".
We would also like to see it in the plan mode as an action at the right hand panel (after clikcing the Options drop-down menu).
- is incorporated by
JSWCLOUD-6019 As a scrum user I would like to be able to assign an issue to a sprint from the standard JIRA view issue page
- Closed
- is related to
JSWCLOUD-5656 Add issue action for putting the issue in the current sprint
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-7377 As a Product Manager I'd like the option to see resolved items on the backlog and add them to an active sprint
- Closed