Pasted from here as it turned out, that was not the relevan ticket for it.
When do you plan to implement a task burndown chart plus the wallboard gadget for it?
I am asking this because we have to move our scrum teams to the new scrumboard by November. It is a process, and we can't wait until the Classic boards will be unavailable.
The biggest pain currently is the lack of task burndown chart and the wallboard gadget for it. On the classic board we were able to show this with a context filter. This is heavily used on the meetings.
Right now we only see the story point based chart witch is good, but the Product Owners usually accept the stories at the end of the sprint. So the Story point based chart does not tells much about the current progress.
Taking a look at's greenhopper scrumboard: it does not use Story swimlanes so movement of stories indicate the work better, but this is not the ideal scrum setup. As not being a dogfood, maybe it is not that painful for that team. For the story swimlane users (which is the default setting) it is a real problem.
We actually create fixversions for the sprints on the new boards and try to syncronize the assigned issues with the issues in the sprints so we can see the Task burndown on the Classic board.
Please comment/like if this is affecting you!