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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-26725

User Picker (single user) doesn't respect user filtering configuration in Advanced Roadmap Plan


      Issue Summary

      Custom Field [ Type - User Picker (single user) ] is showing different behaviour in the Create Issue screen and Jira Plan 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Custom Field of type User Picker (single user)
      2. Configure some User Filtering like Project Role: Administrators and Project Role: Service Desk Team{}
      3. Add to the required screens and Jira Plan
      4. Check the behaviour in the Create Issue Screen and Jira Plan
        1. Behaviour in the Create Issue ( returning 1 user when searching with 'ku' )
        2. Behaviour Jira Plan ( returning users who are not part of that user filter configured in custom filed when searching with 'ku' )

      Expected Results

      Ideally, the behaviours that we support on Jira should be supported on Plan as well and should return only 1 user as in the Issue screen based on custom field ( user filtering )  setup/configuration 

      Actual Results

      Showing multiple users in Jira Plan view. 


      No Workaround 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            37d2a0da935c Kunal Kishore
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