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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-26522

Original estimate sum on boards




      Issue Summary

      In the context of using subtasks on the backlog board with the "Original time estimate" as the chosen estimation, however, when hovering over the user assignee and on the bottom of the board, the original estimate is shown as zero. This value is derived from the main task and does not reflect the sum of the subtasks' 'Σ Original time estimate'. This might seem a bit confusing, and we appreciate your understanding as we work to make this feature as intuitive as possible.
      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)
      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Begin by creating a new task.
      2. Incorporate the 'Σ Original time estimate' field within this Task.
      3. Proceed to add multiple subtasks.
      4. For each of these subtasks, include an 'original estimate'.
      5. Navigate to the Scrum board.
      6. Click on '...' to further select 'Configure Board'.
      7. In the 'Estimation' section, opt for 'Original time estimate

      Expected Results

      In terms of functionality, the 'Original Time Estimate' should operate using the same logic as the 'Remaining Estimate', that is, it calculates the sum of estimates across all subtasks.

      Actual Results

      Please note that the 'Original Time Estimate' does not utilize the 'Σ Original Time Estimate' field. Therefore, you may find that the value in this field is left empty.


      Add the Σ Original Time Estimate to the issue card on the board


        Issue Links



              22883266554f Tanvee Islam
              78538e785fe1 Lígia Zanchet
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

