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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-26228

The "Add issues to this version" search in Releases fails if the version name has a "#" character. 


      Issue Summary

      The "Add issues to this version" search in Releases fails if the version name has a "#" character. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to a project and select the Releases tab
      2. Create a new version and include # in the version name
      3. Click the + button to open the "Add issues to this version" modal
      4. Search for an issue that you haven't recently viewed 

      Expected Results

      Issues that were not recently viewed should be returned in the dropdown

      Actual Results

      The issue search fails to locate the issue unless it is part of the "Recent Issues" list. When reviewing the network activity, we see that the JQL that is attempted is escaped at the position of the # mark which prevents the search from completing. 


      Rename the version and remove the # symbol

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d53513bb86b9 Daniel I.
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