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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-26216

Release button greyed out if all of the issues are Resolved but don't belong to a Done status category


      Issue Summary

      • Release button greyed out if all of the issues are Resolved but don't belong to a Done status category.
      • In the example that I provided in the video, issues get a "Resolution" when they are moved to "In Progress", so it's In Progress status category.
      • When we try to release a version if all of its issues are "resolved" but they are in "In Progress status category" we can't.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create "Version 2" as a Fix Version
      2. Add to it: Resolved issues that are in the "In Progress" category status
      3. Go to Project > your project > Releases > Version 2
      4. Click the "Unreleased" dropdown and choose "Release"
        1. VIDEO

      Expected Results

      • The "Release" dialogue window allows clicking the "Release" button.
      • When clicking on the hyperlink to how many issues will be released, it takes you to Search results showing issues in this version.

      Actual Results

      • The "Release" button in the dialogue window is greyed out.
      • When clicking on the "x issues will be released" hyperlink it takes you to a search window with results for how many issues are "Unresolved" (Resolution is EMPTY)


      • Update the workflow and not set resolution for the In Progress status category.
      • Adding an issue that's NOT resolved to fix version ("Version 2") solves it. The Release button is clickable and the version can be released.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            b60c2e526cc5 João Carlos Montanha Zurobski
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            3 Start watching this issue
