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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-25763

Auto Scheduler incorrectly schedules story issues which exceed sprint capacity in Advanced Roadmaps


      Issue Summary

      When we try to use "Auto Schedule" tool in ARJ, if we try to map a Story with Story Points that would trespass a single sprint (carry-over) and should be worked in more than one Sprint, that Story will be incorrectly scheduled through the Sprints as it is probably assuming the same Story would be worked by more than one team member.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create the following example:
        1. Create a team with 5 team members, 2 Sprint week duration, 20 Story Points capacity.
        2. Create a Story with 20 story points, or a higher value.
        3. Create a filter pointing to that single Story with 20+ story points.
        4. The Auto Schedule will incorrectly map this Story across the Sprints. In this particular example, it has incorrectly scheduled to be worked during 2 sprints, distributing 4 Story Points in the first Sprint, and 16 in the second sprint.

      I have also built a video replicating a scenario with a 5 team member test case, displaying the described behavior:

      Expected Results

      Theoretically, as we have a 5 team member Team and a capacity of 20 Story Points, each team member should be able to work in 4 Story Points per Sprint.

      Therefore, in the above scenario, as the Story has 20 Story Points, this Story should have been scheduled to be worked during 5 Sprints, however it currently schedules to be worked during 2 Sprints, which appears to be an incorrect behavior.

      Actual Results

      The Auto Schedule feature incorrectly maps a single Story to be worked during 2 Sprints instead of mapping it to be worked during 5 Sprints. It is quite unclear if it interprets all team members should work in the same Story.


      There is no current workaround available.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            fb70dbb86db0 Antonio Carlos
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