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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-25624

Fields filtered in the board filter are not populated correctly when creating Epics from the Backlog of a board.


      Issue Summary

      Creating an Epic from the Epic panel in the Backlog of a board that has JQL filters applied does not apply labels correctly.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a board which has a filter on the custom field.
        • project = ATLN AND "Custom Team" = 'JSWCLOUD' ORDER BY Rank ASC
      2. Create a new Epic from the epic paned on the Backlog of a board.

      Recording: Screen Recording 2023-08-03 at 6.00.42 PM.mov

      Expected Results

      The Custom field value is pre-populated to match the board filter when creating this Epic(just like it correctly populates the value for standard issuetypes.
      The Epic should then be correctly displayed on the Backlog and Timeline views.

      Actual Results

      The Epic is created without the custom field values and is not visible on the Timeline & Backlog of the board.

      Message observed: Your epic XX-1 has been created but is not currently visible.


      Create the Epics from the Timeline view instead of the Backlog and the Epics are created with the required custom field values.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            b4b218cdd0b3 Vaishnavi
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