Resolution: Fixed
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
When attempting to enable Enhancements on a board as documented in the following page, the user who enables this will lose access to particular board(s):
This is reproducible on Data Center: (no)
Steps to Reproduce
1. Ensure the Enhancements feature is enabled under https://x.atlassian.net/jira/settings/products/jira-software-configuration
2. Navigate to a Jira Board
3. If the feature has been pushed out to a user, they can click the 3 dots up the top right of the board and toggle "Enhance my board and backlog".
4. The user immediately loses access to the board and is redirected to the Jira Project List page.
Expected Results
When toggling "Enhance my board and backlog", the user should continue to have access to the board and the board will, upon refresh, show data and have the Enhanced view active.
Actual Results
The user immediately loses access to the board and is redirected to the Jira Project List page.
The root cause likely relates to a misconfigured Location of a board (where Location is listed with no value present) or potentially the Owner field (such as, board is owned by a user with no product access, a deactivated user etc.).
Options to fix this problem:
1. Edit the board settings and try to populate the Location field with an owner (if the field is empty). Alternatively, look at the Owner field to see it is owned by an active user with access to Jira.
2. Navigate to any other board (besides the board that is inaccessible), click to the 3 dots up to top right of the board, toggle off "Enhance my board and backlog".
3. Disable the Enhancements feature for all Jira users and this will disable users enabling it and revert users who have already enabled it:
Hi all, we are currently working on a fix to allow boards with a missing 'location' (project or person associated with the board) to be able to set a new location using the enhanced board view. This fix relates only to older style links to boards which follow this format: https://mhermon.jira-dev.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=10&useStoredSettings=true&locationless=true
If you're able to add a location to your board before switching to 'enhanced' you can avoid this issue. However the coming fix will allow these links to show the modal in enhanced mode which you can use to set a new location to your board. All boards must have a location. Please note that this will change the url of your board and you should update your docs and bookmarks with this new url and communicate the change with your teams.
All boards should have an associated project (or person). 'Locationless' boards are no longer supported.
Your updated board url should follow this format: https://mhermon.jira-dev.com/jira/software/c/projects/REM1/boards/10
We currently expect the fix to show the locationless board modal in enhanced mode for these old style links with locationless=true to be rolled out by the end of this week.