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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-24163

Epic link drop-down poor performance with large amounts of epic links


      Update Feb 16th, 2024

      Hi everyone,

      This bug is about the performance of the Epic Link field.

      This field has now been disabled on the Jira issue view and replaced by the Parent field ([full announcement here|https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Introducing-the-new-Parent-field-in-company-managed-projects/ba-p/2377758 ]) that is already rolled out to everyone.

      With that, we are closing this bug. 



      Irene Ongkowidjaja


      Depending on the number of epic links you have on your project, you may find out that the drop-down menu search is not actually performing well.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Having an instance with more than 3K epic links
      2. Create or edit an issue, try to fetch the epic links drop-down list

      Expected Results

      • The list will be rendered in at least 5 seconds

      Actual Results

      • Depending on the sheer number of epic links and their status it can take up to 20 seconds to load the whole list.


      1. Change status of epic links unused to DONE
      2. Unmark the option "Show done epics" if it's marked.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dbrito Daniel Brito [Atlassian]
            62 Vote for this issue
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