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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-23410

Managing sprints at project level is broken


      Issue Summary

      Jira Sprint Completion process (in one sprint) is moving issues to the backlog in other boards.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 2 tasks. Task # 1 with label ‘DB’ & Task # 2 with label ‘UI’ in Project A
      2. Create Board # 1 with a filter to fetch all items with label 'DB'. Task # 1 will be listed under Backlog
      3. Create Board # 2 with a filter to fetch all items with label 'UI'. Task # 2 will be listed under Backlog
      4. Go to Board # 1, create a Sprint - Sprint # 1. Now edit Task # 1 to add this sprint. Now ‘start’ the sprint. At this point: Board 1 will have Task # 1 in active sprint
      5. Now go to Board # 2, edit task # 2 to be part of this Sprint # 1 .
      6. So now we have 2 boards, 1 active sprint and 2 tasks.
      7. Now go to Board 1 and create Sprint # 2
      8. Now mark sprint # 1 as closed. You will be promoted to move the open items. Now select Sprint # 2. Task # 1 will be automatically moved to Sprint # 2 . THE SYSTEM IS PERFECT UNTIL THIS POINT
      9. Here is the problem - Now Jira silently moved Task # 2 to Backlog, because Jira blindly assumed Sprint # 2 was just tied to Board # 1. The Sprint is COMMON to a project and NOT specific to a board.

      We have to explicitly open Task # 2 and update the Sprint filed to ‘Sprint # 2’. If our backlog already has 50 items, we need to find Task # 2 (by checking the history) and move.

      We have 10 boards and each board has 20+ items in backlog. So it’s impossible for our project managers to go back and move the items from backlog to the current (new) sprint every time.

      Expected Results

      Have the concept of multiple teams under one project with same sprint cycle

      Actual Results

      JIRA is moving items to backlog blindly.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

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