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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-23021

The board view in a team-managed project still shows labels that were added even after the Labels field is removed


      Issue Summary

      The board view in a team-managed project board shows label/s on issue card/s that was/were added to the Label field on an issue-type even after the Label field is removed from the issue-type.

      Note that this is only shown when viewing the issue in the board view and NOT the issue view.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add the Label field to the issue-type
      2. Navigate to the issue and add a label to the Label field
      3. Remove the Label field from the issue-type
      4. Navigate to the Board view and the label that was added is displayed on the issue card

      Expected Results

      The label/s which were added to the Label field should be cleared when the field is removed from the issue-type

      Actual Results

      The label/s are shown in the board view even after the Label field is removed from the issue-type


      1. Add the Labels field back to the issue-type
      2. Remove the existing label that is shown
      3. Remove the Labels field from the issue-type

            Unassigned Unassigned
            f1754156efb5 Vipul Reddy
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
