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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-22581

Concurrent executions of a scheduled rule can cause the Version Release with Automation for Jira to create duplicate Versions


      Issue Summary

      When using a scheduled rule with multiple issues, Automation rule for releasing versions can cause it to create duplicate version when it is not suppose to.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Automation rule like below

      Expected Results

      The Rule should trigger and no duplication should occur as specified here on version

      Actual Results

      In some instances, due to race condition, duplicate versions are created. This rarely happens, but with some conditions of running multiple automations, this is likely to occur, which presents an inconsistent behaviour to the Automation rule.


      If you do notice the duplication, just delete it from the "Release" tab.

        1. version.png
          105 kB
          Prince N
        2. strange_behaviour.png
          736 kB
          Prince N

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            hnyeche Prince N
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