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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-22305

Gadgets for reporting percentages on dashboard


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      It would be nice to have (or get educated if such a capability already exists) a feature or gadget where we can depict the percentage of tickets that get moved between different statuses. For example, if my custom workflow contains 3 statuses to depict 'In Progress' - let's call them InProgress-1, InProgress-2 & InProgress-3 and two distinct done states, say Done-1 & Done-2; currently we didn't seem to find an accurate method to depict on a dashboard, the % of tickets that moved between particular statuses of interest.

      Ex: >> 75% of tickets moved from InProgress-2 to Done-1

           >> 32% of tickets moved from InProgress-3 to Done-2

           >> 18% of tickets did not move from InProgress-1 to InProgress-2

      and so on.

      We didn't seem to find a gadget that could accommodate such visualization although we were able to get the raw numbers (i.e., total list of tickets) that moved between two particular statuses of interest using JQL and saving them as a filter.


      Best Regards!

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            a3bf9d46c4c7 Sachin Manjaiah
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