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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-90700

Portuguese (Português, Brasil and Portugal) user language - Date format error when starting / editing a Sprint's start/end dates



      If the system or user language is changed to Portuguese then date fields will stop working correctly.
      The date picker will return the value 08/Dec/21 5:32 PM, once you submit the form data the following error will be shown:

      • '08/Dec/21 5:32 PM' não é uma data válida. Por favor insira a data no seguinte formato: dd/MMM/yy h:mm a


      Steps to Reproduce

      Check the video: https://share.getcloudapp.com/2NuP4beW

      • Change the user language to Portuguese
      • Try starting a sprint
      • Try logging work

      Expected Results

      JIRA accepts the date format returned by the date picker

      Actual Results

      '08/Dec/21 5:32 PM' não é uma data válida. Por favor insira a data no seguinte formato: dd/MMM/yy h:mm a


      (Optional - If Necessary)


      Change the month to Portuguese format lower case (08/dez/21 5:32 PM)

      Change user language to English on https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/account-preferences

      Use the Enhanced Jira board and backlog if it is available to you. Screenshot from backlog:

      The enhanced board and backlog in Company-managed Projects resolves this bug.

      When enhancements are rolled out and available for you, you’ll see a toggle in the view menu, which you can use to switch on and off the enhancements. Note that enhancements are applied per user — you’ll be switching them on for your board and backlog, and not anyone else’s

      Follow the updates on our public Cloud Roadmap

              Unassigned Unassigned
              0a4d3986ddf5 Marcelo Beloni (Inactive)
              2 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
