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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-21633

Possibility to chain value in field depending on other field


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Hi all, in the context of our company trasformation program, we are evauating possibility to use Jira Software as common tool for SW development lyfe cycle: we are currently in feasibility phase and we identified the need to have in Jira SW cloud the following capability:


      • We actually need possibility to choose values in a filed, that are showed dependently on the value of anoth other field, for example:
        • We define a field Digital Channels, wich allows single selection out of several values e.g.: APP, WEB, Payment Engine, etc
        • We define a new field "Channel Details" that, as an example, shows as possible values APP X , APP Y, APP Z, in case previous filed value was APP. 

      It shall then be possible to assign these new fileds to any issue type (standard or custom created)

      We would appreciate Your promt feedbac on this request, as this feature would be stringly required in order to fulfill with our data model.

      Kindly advise in case of any additional information are required.

      Thanks i advance and Best Regards // Marco

      P.S.: i could not find suitable component to select for this request, so ust picked "Automation Rule - DevOPS trigger) 







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            977dbf3bfaba Marco Mengotti
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