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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-90673

Korean (한국어) user language - Date format error when starting / editing a Sprint's start/end dates


      Issue Summary

      When selecting Start/End date of a sprint, the Start/End time string is changed to "am" or "pm", not "오전" or "오후".

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Change your profile language to Korean (한국어).
      2. Go to the Backlog and edit the Start/End date of a sprint.
      3. Click on Update.

      Expected Results

      The updates to the Start/End date will be saved.

      Actual Results

      Instead of "오전" or "오후", it shows AM/PM and it’s not possible to save the changes.


      Change the date format on Cog icon > System > Look and feel (instead of “a” use “k” as per this documentation.

      Change user language to English on https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/account-preferences

      Use the Enhanced Jira board and backlog if it is available to you. Screenshot from backlog:

      The enhanced board and backlog in Company-managed Projects resolves this bug.

      When enhancements are rolled out and available for you, you’ll see a toggle in the view menu, which you can use to switch on and off the enhancements. Note that enhancements are applied per user — you’ll be switching them on for your board and backlog, and not anyone else’s

      Follow the updates on our public Cloud Roadmap

              Unassigned Unassigned
              adaluz Angélica Luz
              2 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
