@andrew Yay! Somebody else thinks this would be good too! Yes, my project was initially set up as a Next-Gen project erroneously and everytime I need some certain bit of functionality for something – it is always not built-in to Next-Gen project but is standard on Classic.
One of the things I have to do for my client is list out all the pointed stories, enablers and spikes according to Epic. I thought I could do this quickly using an Advanced filter, only to discover after much research, that you cannot filter by epic on next-gen project - only in classic version - ARGH!
This would be a very helpful feature to have and I wish they would include it in the filters. It is such a basic thing, ya know.
Edit: I see there are a few parts of this request that still don't exist. Leaving this comment here as a record of the current behaviour.
The Summary of the parent epic now shows in the Parent column:
Does this satisfy the requirements of the watchers of this ticket? Thank you!