Resolution: Timed out
When Swimlanes are based on Epics and there are Issues linked to Epics which are not available in the board, then these Issues are still visible in Backlog (for Scrum) & Kanban Backlog (Kanban) but invisible in Active Sprints (both Scrum and Kanban)
Steps to reproduce
- Create board A (Scrum) for project A, which should filter all issues in project A
- Create project B, then create Epic B in project B
- Create Issue A in project A, then link it to Epic B
- Create a sprint in board A, add Issue A to it and start it
- Configure board A and base Swimlanes on Epics
Expected behavior
Issue A is visible in Active Sprints of board A
Actual behavior
Issue A is invisible in Active Sprints of board A
If Issue Count is enabled for the Columns, we can see a mismatch in the number of issues like this:
In Backlog mode, all the 4 issues are visible:
The same behavior applies to both Scrum and Kanban boards
Original Description
We have put some stories in our sprint that are connected to epics from an "Epics" project, which contains Epics that span multiple projects.
The Saved Filter for the board is the default:
project = "This Project" ORDER BY Rank ASC
In "plan" mode I can see the tasks
In "work" mode when we select "swimlanes by epic" these stories disappear. They also do not show under "issues without epics".
The workaround suggested elsewhere is to change the Saved Filter to:
project = "This Project" OR ( project = Epics AND type = epic ) ORDER BY Rank ASC
However, this then means that when you go to "plan" mode and show the Epics panel, you then see all multi-project Epics, even if they do not have any tasks in the current project.
- is cloned from
JSWSERVER-11318 Stories from external epics disappear in swimlanes
- Gathering Impact
We appreciate the honesty, the bug is still present as in Jira v9.12.8